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CISA | Cyber Training Bulletin - July and August

CSD Education and Training Offerings

Highlights: What You Want to Know

  • In July and August, U.S. Executive Branch employees and contractors can participate in the CDM Enabled Threat Hunting (CETH) course. The course will provide improved agency action against heightened cyber threats content as part of the new elements of the CDM program and the CDM Agency Dashboard, including student hands-on lab activities.

We offer no-cost cybersecurity incident response training for government employees and contractors across federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial government, as well as educational and critical infrastructure partners. Course types include: Awareness Webinars and Cyber Range Training. These courses provide valuable learning opportunities for everyone from cyber newbies to veteran cybersecurity engineers.

IR Training Events through August 2022

7/06/2022 - IR105 - 06/06/2022 - Webinar: Preventing Web and Email Server Attacks - 1 hour

7/22/2022 - IR107 - 06/24/2022 - Webinar: Log Management - 1 hour

7/26/2022 - IR109- 06/27/2022 - Webinar: Defend Against Ransomware Attacks - 1 hour

We offer instructor-led, hands-on CDM Agency Dashboard training for U.S. Executive Branch employees and contractors in our cyber range virtual training environment. These courses are intended for those at agencies participating in the CDM program who monitor, manage, and/or oversee controls on their information systems (e.g., ISSOs, CDM POCs, ISSMs, and those who report metrics and measures). The two-day CDM 111 course offers 14 CPE credits.

CDM Training Events through August 2022

07/07/2022 - CDM 141 - 06/07/2022 - Introduction to CDM Agency Dashboard - 4 hour

07/12/2022 - CDM 142 - 06/12/2022 - Asset Management with the CDM Agency Dashboard - 4 hour

07/20/2022 - CDM 143 - 06/20/2022 - Vulnerability Management with the CDM Agency - Dashboard - 4 hour

07/27/2022 – 07/28/2022 -CDM 111 - 06/27/2022 - Analyzing Cyber Risk with the CDM - Agency Dashboard (in-person, Arlington, VA) - 17 hours

08/04/2022 - CDM 203 - 07/07/2022 - Systems Analyst - 4 hour

08/10/2022 - CDM 210 - 07/10/2022 - CDM Enables Threat Hunting (CETH) - 4 hours

08/18/2022 - CDM 201 - 07/18/2022 - Identify and Access Management using the CDM-Dashboard - 4 hours

08/25/2022 - CDM 202 - 07/25/2022 - Configuration Settings Management using the CDM - Dashboard - 4 hours

To learn more or register visit: https://www.cisa.gov/cdm-training

We offer free, virtual ICS trainings geared toward Critical Infrastructure owners and operators. The trainings are designed to reduce cybersecurity risks to critical infrastructure and encourage cooperation between CISA and the private sector. Trainings vary in length and run from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. MST (10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. EST). All trainings are conducted through Online Training or CISA Virtual Learning Portal (VLP), with the exception of the three-day, in-person pilot course at Idaho National Labs (INL) in Idaho Falls, ID.

ICS Training Events through August 2022

07/11/2022 – 07/14/2022


Industrial Control Systems Cybersecurity (301L)


07/11/2022 – 07/29/2022


Industrial Control Systems Evaluation (401v)

Scheduled Online Training

07/18/2022 – 07/29/2022


Industrial Control Systems Cybersecurity (301v)

Scheduled Online Training

07/25/2022 – 07/28/2022


Industrial Control Systems Cybersecurity (301L)


08/08/2022 – 08/26/2022


Industrial Control Systems Evaluation (401v)

Scheduled Online Training

08/15/2022 – 08/26/2022


Industrial Control Systems Cybersecurity (301v)

Scheduled Online Training

08/15/2022 – 08/18/2022


Industrial Control Systems Evaluation (401)


08/29/2022 – 09/01/2022


Industrial Control Systems Cybersecurity (301L)


On Demand


Operational Security (OPSEC) for Control Systems

CISA Training Virtual Learning Portal (VLP)

On Demand


Differences in Deployments of ICS

CISA Training Virtual Learning Portal (VLP)

On Demand


Influence of Common IT Components on ICS

CISA Training Virtual Learning Portal (VLP)

On Demand


Common ICS Components

CISA Training Virtual Learning Portal (VLP)

On Demand


Cybersecurity within IT & ICS Domains

CISA Training Virtual Learning Portal (VLP)

On Demand


Cybersecurity Risk

CISA Training Virtual Learning Portal (VLP)

On Demand


Current Trends (Threat)

CISA Training Virtual Learning Portal (VLP)

On Demand


Current Trends (Vulnerabilities)

CISA Training Virtual Learning Portal (VLP)

On Demand


Determining the Impacts of a Cybersecurity Incident

CISA Training Virtual Learning Portal (VLP)

On Demand


Attack Methodologies in IT & ICS

CISA Training Virtual Learning Portal (VLP)

On Demand


Mapping IT Defense-in-Depth Security Solutions to ICS - Part 1

CISA Training Virtual Learning Portal (VLP)

On Demand


Mapping IT Defense-in-Depth Security Solutions to ICS - Part 2

CISA Training Virtual Learning Portal (VLP)

On Demand


Industrial Control Systems Cybersecurity Landscape for Managers

CISA Training Virtual Learning Portal (VLP)

*The following virtual courses are prerequisites to attending in-person 301 and 401 trainings hosted by CISA at the Idaho National Laboratory:

  • ICS 301v: Focuses on understanding, protecting, and securing ICS from cyber attacks.

  • ICS 401v: Focuses on analyzing and evaluating an ICS network to determine its defense status and what changes need to be made.

To learn more or sign up, visit: us-cert.cisa.gov/ics/calendar

CDET Mission

Address today’s cyber workforce challenges through innovative education and training opportunities

CDET Vision

Lead and influence national cyber training and education to promote and enable the cyber-ready workforce of tomorrow

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